

Plum Island is a beautiful barrier island on the North East coast of Massachusetts which is shared by the towns of Newburyport, Newbury, Rowley and Ipswich, and is one of my favorite places in the world. Half of the island is made up of the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge which was established in 1941 to provide feeding, resting, and nesting habitat for migratory birds. Living in Newburyport gives me the chance to visit as often as I can, and I do. The island is bordered by The Great Marsh, which is the North Shore’s largest continuous stretch of Salt Marsh in New England, extending from Cape Ann to New Hampshire. We were leaving the island just after sunset when I noticed the pink cloud over Mutt & Jeff, which is just one of the names the locals have given the two cedar trees. Unfortunately, the tall tree on the left was blown down during a storm a couple of years ago. The trees sit on a dike on the western edge of the North Pool and we were on the road at the edge of the North Field about 600 yards from the trees. Up to this point, I had tried to photograph the trees on several occasions without any success. This is the best situation I had and have seen since, and my best attempt to date. The best photo of the trees I have seen by anyone is a beautiful duo-tone entitled “Two Trees” by Cameron Sesto taken with her flip-phone in 2003 as part of her Phone Cam series which can be seen at this link, and which an original of hangs on our walls at home.
“Two Cedars”, 13.5”x9” on a 13×19 sheet.
Other sizes available.
Printed on Canson Etching Rag on an Epson 3880.
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