New Work
Sweethaven Gallery
25L Inn Street Newburyport, MA
January 4 – January 29
Cindia Sanford is known for her evocative and atmospheric paintings of landscapes both vast and intimate.
Happily, after an eight-year pause, Cindia is again producing new work. Because of respiratory problems resulting from decades of exposure to oil paints and mediums, she was forced to experiment with less toxic paints, but found them unsuitable for her personal style. Finally, at the beginning of 2016 she resumed working again with soft, waxy pencils. Cindia had used Prismacolor pencils throughout her career, primarily as studies for larger paintings. Their waxy consistency allows her to build layers of transparency on paper that is similar to the oil glazing technique that she had been forced to abandon.
This exhibit of landscapes and nature studies consists of painterly drawings completed within the past year—her first new work in eight years. This is Cindia’s second appearance at Sweethaven Gallery, following last year’s very successful showing of her older work. She has exhibited nationally in galleries for forty years.