Co-sponsored by Sweethaven Gallery and the Firehouse Center for the Arts.

“Drenched In Devotion, Baldev, India” – © 1997 Cary Wolinsky

Those amazing National Geographic magazine stories…where do the ideas come from? What really goes on in the field? How does a story work its way through the National Geographic article-making apparatus toward ink on paper?

National Geographic photographer, Cary Wolinsky takes you on a behind-the-scenes look at how he creates articles for the magazine published in 25 languages, read by 40 million people.

Wolinsky holds his audience with stories that are honest, intimate and alive and covers subjects as diverse as cutting diamonds, preparing the human body for space travel, insects that drink fog, and the toad that conquered Australia.  His stunning photographs are the culmination of more than 30 years of travel to Europe, Africa, Russia, Papua New Guinea, Australia, Peru, India, China and Japan.

Cary Wolinsky

CARY WOLINSKY began working as a news and magazine photographer for the Boston Globe in 1968, while completing a degree in journalism at Boston University’s School of Communications. By 1972, he was providing freelance photo stories to many national magazines, including Natural History, National Geographic, Smithsonian, and International Wildlife. After becoming a contract photographer with National Geographic in the mid 1980s, Wolinsky came to specialize in international, historical, scientific, and cultural photographic essays that require in-depth research. Wolinsky’s fine art prints have been acquired and exhibited by many museums including the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and London’s Natural History Museum.

Bio text courtesy Pucker Gallery.

Lecture followed by Q&A

Date: Wednesday, 3 April, 2019

Time: 7:00-8:30 PM

Prices: Adults ($10), Students ($5) Plus $2 processing charge.

(click here for tickets)

This lecture is co-sponsored by Sweethaven Gallery and the Firehouse Center for the Arts.


There will be a raffle at the end of the lecture for one of two posters, your choice, SHEAR MADNESS or WATER BUFFALO. 

1 ticket for $1  —  5 tickets for $4  —  10 tickets for $8

S H E A R  M A D N E S S

In Melbourne, Australia, a half shorn sheep reveals how much wool she grows in a season. This image was selected by National Geographic Magazine for its “100 Best Photographs” issue, published in November 2001.  Poster is  24″ x 16″.






W A T E R  B U F F A L O

This image has been a favorite among collectors since it was featured in Odyssey, The Art of Photography at National Geographic, an exhibition of photographs, which opened at Washington’s Corcoran Gallery of Art and traveled throughout the world. The poster was designed for the opening of the exhibition at the DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park in Lincoln, Massachusetts. Title, Odyssey, The Art of Photography at National Geographic, DeCordova


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